Shah Rukh Khan film Dunki Shah Rukh Khan’s film Dunki is all set to hit the theaters on December 22 this year. There is an amazing craze among people regarding the film. King Khan has started the promotion of the movie. Recently, he shared his heartfelt thoughts with his fans in a chitchat session on social media.
Shahrukh started promotion of the film Dunki
‘Pathan’ and ‘young’ After this, this will be Shahrukh‘s third and last movie of this year. Shah Rukh has made X platform a major means of promotion for the film releasing on December 22. ‘When did we leave the house‘ After being at Cannes, Khan organized #AskSRK session as usual. During this, apart from the film Dunky, he also talked about his days in Delhi.
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Shahrukh remembers Delhi
One user wrote about the second song of the film, ‘This song reminds me of my home. Did the same thing happen to you when you heard it for the first time?’ To this King Khan replied, ‘Yes of course, this song made me think of my parents… my Delhi days… the friends I made and lost… . Very emotional.’
King Khan told where his house is
A user asked King Khan about his house. Giving a lovely reply to this, Shahrukh wrote, “My home is where my heart is. I have my own. Like home is where the heart is. No? #Dunky”
One fan even said to Shah Rukh, ‘I will not let my four wives, 24 children and 50 neighbors watch Dunki. Will you be able to bear this much loss!” On this comment, Shahrukh replied, “Brother, you must be so busy, where will you get time to do anything else?” Spend time with your wives and children. Play with the kids and take care of the wives for the donkey.’